The advent of IFRS in the United States will require fundamental changes in practices, policies and systems. An early understanding of the issues and how they will impact your organization will be critical to successfully managing the change.
Join us on Thursday, May 28 as we present John Barnes, partner, Grant Thornton Advisory Services Group, who will provide an insider's view into what IFRS is and how it will impact your accounting, internal controls, tax and technology functions.
This program includes topics such as:
risks and benefits of IFRS conversion;
potential effects on your people and processes;
when you should be thinking about the impact of converting to IFRS (answer: now); and
steps you can and should take today to prepare.
Date: Thursday, May 28Time: 1 - 2 p.m. ET Please register by visiting http://click.e.grantthornton.com/?ju=fe5913727d61007f741d&ls=fdf217707d6d077e741c7776&m=fefc1774716701&l=fed115707362057d&s=fe2416797060007b7c1474&jb=ffcf14&t=
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